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The KEGS Suites 


The Prayer & Meditation Suite 

The Chords Suite

The Arts Suite 

The Study Suite 

Our Life Coach will customize each suite with creative and fun self-guided coping strategies that are known to help with Life Transitions due to Trauma, Balancing Emotions & Communication â€‹


The Prayer & Meditation Suite

Relax in the Prayer & Meditation Suite. Practice simple meditation techniques or just relax in the massage chair. It's up to you!


The Chords Suite

Choose your song or video and crank up the good vibes while you use The Chords Suite to follow your favorite workout or dance to your own beat. It's up to you!

**Connection Class - Good Vibes Class offered every Tuesday and Thursday at 7pm.


The Arts Suite

The Art Suite offers an array of crafts, puzzles, and more that can be done alone or as a group.

**Holiday Connection Class - Monday, Wed. & Friday @ 6pm during the month of December!! 

**Connection Class- Crabby Crafts Class: Coffee & Crafts offered every Saturday at 5pm.


The Study Suite

The Study Suite encompasses the mini children's suite and the free bible study classes.

** Connection Class-- Dessert & A Verse, Shall We? offered every Saturday at 7pm.

Coping strategies refer to the specific efforts, both behavioral and psychological, that people employ to master, tolerate, reduce, or minimize stressful events.

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